Inventory Management Application

Inventory Management Application

Create a web application that aims to make it easier for users to manage inventory.

Laravel, Tabler
Wedding Invitation Application

Wedding Invitation Application

Create a web application that aims to make it easier for users to create and send wedding invitations.

Astro, Svelte, Tailwind, Firebase, AOS
JavaScript Slider Library

JavaScript Slider Library

Create a package that provides a cool and customizable slider for website.

JavaScript, JQuery
Agriculture Application

Agriculture Application

Led a team to create a mobile-based agricultural application for one of the world's leading agriculture companies.

React Native, Expo, Redux, TypeScript, Firebase, Google Maps
Point of Sales (POS) Application

Point of Sales (POS) Application

Collaborated with a team to create and maintain a cashier application for the government and one of the food and beverage companies.

React Native, TypeScript, CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, Metronic
Audit Management Application

Audit Management Application

Create a web application that aims to make it easier for users to manage audits.

React, React Query, TypeScript, Metronic
Email Management Application

Email Management Application

Maintaining and adding features for the email management application.

React, TypeScript, Redux, Ant Design, Firebase
Pet Adoption Application

Pet Adoption Application

Create a web application that aims to make it easier for users to adopt pets.

Vue, Tailwind, Firebase, Hapi.js, Joi
Management Competition Application

Management Competition Application

Maintaining and adding features for the website of the event held by FBE UAJY, namely "Management Competition 2022".

Laravel, Bootstrap
Restaurant Application

Restaurant Application

A web app that aims to allow customers to search for restaurants and leave their reviews.

Webpack, JavaScript, Firebase, Service Worker
Ecommerce Website Template

Ecommerce Website Template

Create HTML templates for ecommerce websites that can be used to create ecommerce websites.

HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Movie Rating Application

Movie Rating Application

A web application that aims to make it easier for users to rate and search for movies.

Webpack, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Web Storage
Recipe Application

Recipe Application

A web application aimed at students to make it easier to find the food recipes needed.

Laravel, JavaScript, Livewire
Javanese Learning Game

Javanese Learning Game

A mobile application that aims to make it easier for children to learn Javanese.

Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Firebase
Letter Management Application

Letter Management Application

Web application to facilitate RT and RW officials in Lowokwaru Village, Malang City in making letters for the management of residents there.

Laravel, JavaScript, Livewire